Here we will see how you can significantly increase your rental rates without it costing you so much time and without having to embark on major works, such as building a pool or other kinds of modifications... Maybe you sometimes feel that your property does not bring you sufficient profitability. Because you certainly rent it, but once all taxes, fees, commissions and charges deducted, you do not have much left. Especially if you compare with the time you have spent there. And know that many renters reach the same conclusion! You are not alone.
The most effective method is to increase your current rate
To do this, you need to improve the standing of your house/apartment. The standing is the main image that your tenants discover when visiting or seeing the pictures of your rental space. Here are 3 tips to improve your propriety standing.
The luminaires
You may not always be aware, but light plays a crucial role in our way of seeing things. All the greatest artists, painters, architects, decorators and others always dedicate important energy to the work of light. For your rental, it is also necessary that the light becomes a priority. Of course, if your most light needing spaces and rooms are not facing south then you do not have enough natural light. In this case it is crucial to multiply the sources of light. We advise you to add different lighting sources, in addition to your main one. These sources of secondary lights will bring a visual harmony as soon as they are installed. The added value in terms of image is very important.
An exceptional and surprising furniture
You may have already known this feeling: We return to a place that does not pay off, from the outside. Then we discover that the interior is really sublime! Much better than you could imagine...The decor is beautiful, or there are special furniture, or a really unique atmosphere. Well, that's exactly the feeling you need to trigger in your tenants. To do this, I invite you to invest in an exceptional piece, whether it is a piece of furniture, a sculpture, an exotic plant or a painting. There are pieces of art you may not know anything about but as soon as you discover them you can be conquered.
A little gesture that makes all the difference
In general, we make very quickly a first impression on a house, a person, etc...The first contact is essential. It is necessary to treat the moment your customers discover your property meticulously. We advise you for example to leave them a small present on the table; it makes a very good impression. This is often cited in reviews and comments from rental websites...